Familiarity Breeds Contempt

Most of us would admit to showing respect to the dustman who removes our rubbish and the postman who delivers our letters. This is common decency - a level of respect shown to strangers. 

I wonder how many of us show that basic level of respect at home to our loved ones?  It repeatedly saddens me to hear stories of how couples who love one another and who have chosen to be together frequently show each other less respect than they do to strangers.

It is worth considering how you deliver everyday communications at home to your partner and family.  Notice if you show a lack of respect in the tone of your voice; the words you choose to use; the way you say those words - is it possible that you are barking orders loudly with insulting language showing no consideration or respect for the recipient's feelings?

It would seem that the everyday mundanity of relationships can quickly deteriorate into disrespectful communication.  This often leads to one or both partners feeling small, hurt and indeed angry. At its extreme this can amount to verbal abuse which can grind the other partner down until they feel very low about themselves. 

This cycle of rudeness can be broken .  Firstly with the realisation of disrespectful communication; then by the application of effort to consciously stop this automatic behaviour; followed by the use of respectful considered communication - what your loved ones deserve.

Familiarity breeds contempt - and children    Mark Twain 1835-1910 American Author